The following brothers have been elected by their Lodges to serve as Worshipful Master for the 2024-2025 Masonic Year.

Lodge Name Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge No. 8 W.B. Mitchell Bronne
New Carlisle Lodge No. 100 W.B. Ranold Seymour Jr.
Clark Lodge No. 101 W.B. James Bargery
Mechanicsburg Lodge No. 113 W.B. William Instine
Chandler Lodge No. 138 W.B. Henry Comer
Fielding Lodge No. 192 R.W.B. Robert Weber
Madison Lodge No. 221 W.B. Chris Mann
Mt. Olivet Lodge No. 226 R.W.B. Dennis Kirk
Mt. Sterling Lodge No. 269 W.B. Sean Pratt
Urania Lodge No. 311 W.B. Steve Brown
Anthony Lodge No. 455 W.B. James McCutcheon
St. Andrews Lodge No. 619 W.B. Jonathan Eric Holmes
H.S. Kissell Lodge No. 674 W.B. Kevin Tossey
Morning Star Lodge No. 795 W.B. Kenneth Magill

Who has the Gavel?

Lodge: New Carlisle 100 (Please call ahead to confirm current location)
Next Stated Meeting: February 13th at 7:00pm. (2nd Thursdays)
Note: Gavel is not available at Inspections even if the Lodge Stated Meeting night



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