
Lodge Audit Training
Saturday, November 04, 2023, 10:00am - 12:00pm
Contact Jesse Crawford
The 9th District DEOs will be conducting an audit training for the District. The purpose of the training will be to prepare our audit committees ahead of preinspections. All members of our audit committees are highly encouraged to attend. The training will be held simultaneously in-person and virtually, via zoom for maximum participation.

Date: 11/4/23

Time: 10:00am – Noon

Dress: Business Casual

Location In-Person: Springfield Temple Club Room

Location Virtual: Zoom (Contact Jesse Crawford for Zoom link)
Location Springfield Masonic Center, 125 W High St, Springfield, OH 45502

Stated Meetings

Anthony Lodge No. 455
- 1st & 3rd Tuesday @ 7:30 PM
Chandler Lodge No. 138
- 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 7:30 PM
Clark Lodge No. 101
- 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 7:30 PM
Fielding Lodge No. 192
- 2nd & 4th Thursday @ 7:00 PM
Harmony Lodge No. 8
- 1st Thursday @ 7:30 PM
H.S. Kissell Lodge No. 674
- 2nd & 4th Thursday @ 7:30 PM
Madison Lodge No. 221
- 2nd & 4th Monday @ 7:30 PM
Mechanicsburg Lodge No. 113
- 1st Thursday @ 6:00 PM
Morning Star Lodge No. 795
- 1st Monday @ 10:00 AM
Mt. Sterling Lodge No. 269
- 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30 PM
Mt. Olivet Lodge No. 226
- 2nd Wednesday @ 7:00 PM
New Carlisle Lodge No. 100
- 2nd Thursday @ 7:00 PM
St. Andrews Lodge No. 619
- 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7:30 PM
Urania Lodge No. 311
- 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00 PM

Who has the Gavel?

Lodge: New Carlisle 100 (Please call ahead to confirm current location)
Next Stated Meeting: December 12th at 7:00pm. (2nd Thursdays)
Note: Gavel is not available at Inspections even if the Lodge Stated Meeting night



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