The Wardens dinner is on schedule for September 3rd at 4:30pm at the Meadows Restaurant in Springfield:
4105 E. National Rd.
Springfield OH 45505
The speaker for the evening will be WB Ron Wike, DEO 14th District and Past Master of Avery Lodge in Hilliard OH. This will be a great evening out with the Wardens of the 9th District!
Meal cost is responsibility of each attendee. Attached is a copy of the menu for your perusal. Click on each image for a larger view.
On behalf of the 9th District Officer's Association we look forward to seeing you there!
Lodge: New Carlisle 100 (Please call ahead to confirm current location)
Next Stated Meeting: February 13th at 7:00pm. (2nd Thursdays)
Note: Gavel is not available at Inspections even if the Lodge Stated Meeting night